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Guida alle connessioni Bluetooth di R-Net

Guida alle connessioni Bluetooth di R-Net


La ”smart technology” ha rivoluzionato il modo in cui le persone interagiscono con l’ambiente circostante e conducono le attività quotidiane. In questo contesto la tecnologia Bluetooth® riveste un ruolo importante, poiché consente l’accesso al mondo delle smart technology a tutti coloro che utilizzano le carrozzine elettroniche. Questa  semplice guida spiega sia come abilitare la tecnologia Bluetooth sulle carrozzine elettroniche Quickie (equipaggiate con moduli appropriati), che le procedure   per associare la  carrozzina ai diversi strumenti di smart technology, in particolare smartphone e tablet.

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Can powered wheelchairs really support 24 hour positioning?

Can powered wheelchairs really support 24 hour positioning?


Is a separate static seat the best answer to daytime postural management? Sometimes. But, sometimes the seating functions of modern high specification powered wheelchairs can meet a client’s postural management needs. Where powered seating is a suitable option for primary seating throughout the day, the client can achieve additional benefits of less transfers, more independence and a reduction in the overall amount of equipment in a home environment.In this printable PDF infographic, one of the members of Sunrise Medical UK’s clinical team shows how current clinical guidelines can support the use of powered seating to meet postural management needs. 

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