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Bariatric Wheelchair Assessment Measuring Guide


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Correct measurements help provide clients with the accurate, supportive seating and wheelchair systems. Clinicians in the assessment and fitting process need to arrive at an effective set of measurements for all sizes and body shapes. 

For larger bariatric clients, there are specific ergonomic considerations when measuring for a wheelchair and related assistive technology.

These include the placement of soft tissue, biomechanical postures to accommodate soft tissue and inability to palpate some bony landmarks. Typically, a little gentle compression of soft tissue is needed to get a proper measurement, but care is also required. Too much compression could lead to a wheelchair and seating system that is too tight, contributing to discomfort, difficulty with transfers or an elevated risk of skin damage. Use of a similar size demo chair or highly adjustable seating (such as the Sedeo Pro seating on the Sunrise Medical’s Q-Series power range) helps ensure a perfect fit.

Download this Sunrise Medical bariatric assessment guide to ensure you have all the needed measurements to get the right solution. Highlights include:

  • Full range of standard and bariatric-specific measurements applicable to powered wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs and static seating.
  • Multi-format compatible PDF file: works with PDF readers, tablets and printing in A4.
  • Created from internationally recognised best practice evidence.

Want a standard wheelchair measuring assessment guide? We have one of those available as well. Click here for that download.

DISCLAIMER: FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. THIS WEBSITE (AND THE DOCUMENTS REFERENCED HEREIN) DO NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Sunrise Medical (US) LLC (“Sunrise”) does not provide clinician services. The information contained on this website (and the documents referenced herein), including, but not limited to, the text, graphics, images, and descriptions, are for informational purposes only and should be utilized as a general resource for clinicians and suppliers to then use clinical reasoning skills to determine optimal seating and mobility solutions for individual patients. No material on this website (or any document referenced herein) is intended to be used as (or a substitute for) professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard your professional medical training when providing medical advice or treatment because of something you have read on this website (or any document referenced herein). Clinicians should review this (and any other materials) carefully and confirm information contained herein with other sources. Reliance on this website (and the information contained herein) is solely at your own risk.